Thursday, 14 February 2008

Urban Assault this weekend 16th Feb

I'm all ready for UA this weekend... I'm taking the following AEG's

1. SG552
2. CA SCAR - fitted with M203
3. CA m15A4 SportLine
4. The BFG

I will also take my M203 grenades x 4 (180Rds) and my Glock23F.

I hope to get some good Photos and also let Embrionicboy or Stickymonk try out the gun Cam.



Embryonicboy said...

looking forward to it mate. Fingers crossed we will have a productive day. I read it is a sell out so should be plenty of Reds to kill!

Looking forward to trying out this webcam. Want to get some good footage plus some of you in action. Will get up and stuck it. Get some action. No point in hanging back when you have video to grab!

Will take some photo's too. Also, will bring that £50 I owe you :)

Weather looks cold but dry. Not bad, we are used to that. Looking forward to seeing this CA SCAR up close.

Unknown said...

That bfg is certain to land you some comments at the skirmish. I'd say let embryonic boy use it but I think it takes a man of flanker tankers stature to shoulder a beast of that magnitude.

Good luck this weekend. I wish I could go out and try this new JG G36C that I got for Christmas but its 11 degrees and there's still ice and snow everywhere here.

Oh and I post under the name "CyberneticSasquatch" on your youtube videos. You talked me out of getting a well mp7 as my first airsoft gun. I'm glad you did this g36c takes the cake in my opinion.

Embryonicboy said...

it's far to big for me to lug about!

More of a smg size gun man myself!

StickyMonk said...

That BFG is about as tall as me...

Was good to see you again at UA yesterday :-)

Unknown said...

LoL embryonic boy. I hope you guys got some nice gun cam footage that will be posted on youtube?

FoxtrotTango1 said...

Jake - The Video Guncam for the 16th is now posted - it's not too bad

FoxtrotTango1 said...

Jake - as it happens the BFG is actualy NOT that BIG - it's only 1meter long and it has little weight as the body is almost all plastic - It looks BIG due to the BULK it's CHUNKY maybe I should have called it the BCG Big Chunky Gun :-)

Unknown said...

Yeah I seen it on youtube and started to play it only to realize that I had forgot to install my audio drivers from when windows committed suicide on me the other day.

Irregardless of the "BFG"'s size it looks very cool.

And its only 1 meter long! that would mean stickymonk is but a wee fellow lol.