Monday, 11 February 2008

Next Review item SG552

OK ...OK....ok....I get the message - due to popular demand -the next review will be the Jing Gong SG552 - now I have already use this baby at Urban Assault and apart from the need to have a velocity reducer fitted I can report back that I had no other problems with it at all.

(FPS without the Velocity Reducer is 362), I needed to get it down to 328 or I would not be allowed to use it at UA - in the end it ended up at 290 using the RED velocity ring.

One small problem I did have was with the Sg552 Mag's - they are designed to join together and each one has two little knobs that stick out on both sides of the Mag and these get in the way when the Mag is in the Assault vest pouch.
Also if you join two mags together the mags will not fit into a pouch on my assualt vest as they are too thick (the Mag pouches are made for M4 mags)..

Watch out for the review of my SG552 MID-FEB.



Embryonicboy said...

Very very nice gun that. Infact it's the best of the one's I have seen you bring to UA. Looks nice with all the kits added. Quite a nicely taken photo too that mate.

Looking forward to the review....

Unknown said...

That sg552 is very sexy. I can see you using it allot.

FoxtrotTango1 said...

Thanks for your comments - my son took the Photo of the Sg552 - he has got into Photography in a big way these days - he is even taking an "A" level in it

FoxtrotTango1 said...

Jake Yes I think your right I will be using it a lot -

Embryonicboy said...

Ahh, my photography skills will be made redundant! :)