Friday, 29 February 2008

Urban Assault 16th Feb - Gun Cam video posted

Short note to let you all know that I am posting the gun cam video from 16th Feb 2008 taken at UA - My thanks to Stickymonk and Embrionicboy for the help they gave me in getting the raw video. - don't forget to check it out on youtube and leave a comment when you do.


Tuesday, 26 February 2008

How Time Fly's

Well - I've got a confession to make – I had intended to make the SG552 review video last weekend (24th Feb) – but I ended up going to a local Toy fair. Sorry L

I’ve also had some problems with the video taken via the gun cam at Urban Assault on the 16th Feb – when I loaded it onto my new Vista computer the sound did not work.

So no video yet – I need to get it over onto my old XP machine and do the editing work on that.

Something I found out this week was that fire Support had already fixed my VFC SCAR and my G&P Stubby Killer and had them at Urban Assault on the 16th !!!!!! but no one told me so I have had to wait another 2 weeks – I collect them on the 1st March – I will use the Stubby Killer.

Work has been very busy so I have not been able to make any new videos, and as they say “Time fly’s when you’re having fun”.... or working hard !!!!!

To finish on a positive note the kind people at Popular Airsoft sent me a copy of the Maiden Issue of the Popular Airsoft Magazine! It’s a really professional PDF magazine with loads and loads of articles and photos. – I recommend that you check it out

Oh and incase anyone is thinking that I get something for this I don’t I truly like the New Mag azine and just want to share.

Well I'm off – got to think about the kit I need to get ready for Urban Assault this weekend (1st March)


Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Video Poll results in

My Thanks to the 211 who took part in the Poll for what AEG I will do a video review on after the SG552 - here are the results of the votes

30% - VFC SCAR
27% - Well Warrior I (L96)
25% - M14 EBR
10%- M14 Socom
6% - CA SCAR

so it looks like the next videos will be

SG552 video review followed by VFC SCAR - the rest of the results don't count so i will put up another poll for the Video after the VFC SCAR once I have posted the SG552 Video Review


Urban Assault 16th feb Part 2

me sitting on the ground (still with assualt vest on ) enjoying the winter sun
- note the headshot that went between my helmet and my glasses....
man did that sting !!!!!
Double click the photo for a better look

Monday, 18 February 2008

Urban Assault 16th Feb Part 1

It was a great Morning/Day sunny and no wind at all - in the (AM) it was a little Cold - but the Sun soon made a differance.

I have never seen so many people in attendance at UA for a normal Skirmish day - it was teaming with people - on a rough count I would have said over 150...(thats 75 a side) - resulting in a target rich environment.

But before I did anything I got the BFG out for a Photo and to get an Office chrono reading for it - and it passed so I can use it at Urban Assualt - even it it is a little on the large side.

I decided to use my CA SCAR and it's office Chrono was 314FPS - it's so quiet when compared to a Clones it makes you think it's not even working - but it is and it's great , I was thinking that I might sell it but I have decided to keep it. (see photo of me standing next to EmbrionicBoy).

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Urban Assault this weekend 16th Feb

I'm all ready for UA this weekend... I'm taking the following AEG's

1. SG552
2. CA SCAR - fitted with M203
3. CA m15A4 SportLine
4. The BFG

I will also take my M203 grenades x 4 (180Rds) and my Glock23F.

I hope to get some good Photos and also let Embrionicboy or Stickymonk try out the gun Cam.


Monday, 11 February 2008

Next Review item SG552

OK ...OK....ok....I get the message - due to popular demand -the next review will be the Jing Gong SG552 - now I have already use this baby at Urban Assault and apart from the need to have a velocity reducer fitted I can report back that I had no other problems with it at all.

(FPS without the Velocity Reducer is 362), I needed to get it down to 328 or I would not be allowed to use it at UA - in the end it ended up at 290 using the RED velocity ring.

One small problem I did have was with the Sg552 Mag's - they are designed to join together and each one has two little knobs that stick out on both sides of the Mag and these get in the way when the Mag is in the Assault vest pouch.
Also if you join two mags together the mags will not fit into a pouch on my assualt vest as they are too thick (the Mag pouches are made for M4 mags)..

Watch out for the review of my SG552 MID-FEB.


Sunday, 10 February 2008

Review of the ACM M500 Just posted on Youtube

I know it is long overdue, but at a long last I have just posted the video review of my All China Made (ACM) M500 C0mbat Shotgun on YouTube.

I've attemped to combine the following in this review

1. Arm Chair review

2. Closeups

3. Chrono info

If you have not seen it yet go check it out at FoxtrotTango1 on Youtube.


Friday, 8 February 2008

New M4 and my money back

Well that was nice - the good people at Tokyo Model Company sent me back the second payment within minutes of me making the mistake - so problem solved.

Now all I have to do is wait for the Type 97 to arrive ......tick.....tock....tick.....tock....

Also today the new M15A4 Sportline from Classic Army arrived - nice bit of kit - reminds me of the original Tokyo Marui M4's - metal parts with a plastic body... I will take it to UA with me on the 16th Feb.

I've already added:

1. Type 552 red dot sight

2. PEQ laser,light unit

3. vertical grip

4. Crain stock

NICE :-)

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Payment Mistake

Today I decided to stop messing about and get the Real Sword type 97 from TMC - Tokyo Model Company - but I made a stupid error when paying and it seems I have paid Twice !!! DOH !!!!

Anyway - I have sent them notice that I want one of the payments returned as I don't want two of the Type 97's. so I will have to wait and see what they say/do.

It should be OK as they are a Good Company and I have used then many times in the past, I do have to say though - that I don't like the "NEW" website they are using.

Oh well - all I can do is wait to hear from them......


Project BFG - Take Shape

Well today I have completed the following tasks on Project BFG

1. Paint the Nerf Blaster

2. Gut the Nerf Blaster

3. Strip down the donor rifle

4. install the donor rifle into the Nerf Blaster Body

I still need to tidy up all the cuts in the plastic body I have made, and find a place for the battery to go,

At the moment I have some masking tape on the back end - this will be removed later so the stock can slide up and down (adjustable)

On friday I will test it out - and if OK take it to Urban Assault on the 16th - should be fun to see what people say about it !!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Project BGF - Donor Rifle

I've got this Jing Gong M4A1 Para - I like it but it will be the easy rifle to strip down - so I am using it as the Donor Rifle for the BFG Project.

Project BFG

Today I started working on Project BFG - .. and I have made some good progress.

But I am getting ahead of myself – What is project BFG you might ask – well it’s an Idea I have had for a long time now and it’s this

Take something like a NERF blaster – gut it out and put the workings of an Airsoft Rifle inside it. (simple idea really)

Well I now have the Nerf Blaster and its 1 meter in length and about 6cm in width I’ve Stripped it out and I will be using a Jing Gong M4A1 Para as the Donor rifle.

I’ll post a progress update in the next few days


Saturday, 2 February 2008

G&P Stubby Killer - DOWN GRADE

Yet another AEG I have that needs to be down graded -

I got the G&P Stubby Killer for Christmas , but due to work it's been sitting in the box up until now, so the first thing I did was to chrono it - 340 to 360 FPS -

Now you hve to know that this is a very small "STUBBY" M16 - my first thoughts were - if I put a short M16 VN mag in it and tell eveyone its a small sniper rilfe they might let me use it at Urban Assualt.. think again.

So I have handed it in to Fire Support (they now have two or my AEGs) for a 328FPS downgrade.

This should take two-three weeks and I should have both the VFC SCAR and the Stubby Killer back in action.


Urban Assault - Saturday 2nd Feb 2008

Bit of a mixed day today - first off everything was going great all the New ACU kit went on no problems - load out had already been planned - so that was also problem free..

Then I took out my brand spanking new VFC SCAR - install the full charged 9.6volt battery - pop in a MAG - select Semi, pull the trigger ..............................AND................................JAM!!!!!!

F**k- were my first thoughts – you spend a load of money for a make like VFC and it breaks before you can fire ONE single BB down the barrel ....

OK.. lets calm down and try again - move the fire mode selector to FULL AUTO, NOPE - stuck - move it to Safe - NOPE Stuck like a limpet to a rock - OK - replace battery (just in case – I’m clutching at straws now and totally P*ss*d off) - Nope nothing, it is no more - stone dead - zip, Naff all......

Ho Hum – still looking on the bright side I was at the right place for it to fail on me, after all I did get the VFC SCAR from Fire Support and they own and run Urban Assault - so I just took it over to them during game registration and left it with them for a "FREE" repair job.

So lets dig out the old trusty Classic Army M4A1-carbine - Lock and Load – test fires 100% OK nice and crisp this CA.

Now I must take it to the chrono station (rules say all rifles must be tested) - first shot 345FPS !!!! - Second shot 344 FPS, Third shot 345FPS - the Urban Assault limit 328FPS- so I cannot use my spare...... Now I am getting upset again !!... talk about all the gear and not Idea – well not quite but so far I had used up two of my rifles and could not use one of them.

the nice Fire Support Staff said I could use a Hire Rifle - I pointed out that it had to be an M4 - as I only had M4 Mags with me - the only M4 they had was broken but useable - twisted/bent flash hider, and broken carry handle - my thoughts at this time was "man this sucks –I might as well go home”..

It was at this moment that Bruce one of my airsoft mates - came to my rescue –
(his name is not really Bruce we all just call him Bruce due to the fact that his last name is Willis).

He lent me his M4, (he was going sniping today) the M4 was a treat to use , Nice Crain stock, and M203 Launcher (I just happened to have 4 M203 grenades with me) and used them all....

Thanks to Bruce - I still got to have a great day at UA..