Saturday, 29 March 2008

Future Weapson - Preview

Thought I would let eveyone have a sneek peek at three of the AEG's I hope to get my hands on this year:


Anonymous said...

nice but the 2 one is it not jsut a m4/m16 with a posiden kit

Anonymous said...

The SIG looks wonderful, who produces it? I'm assuming JG or Cybergun?

Ishatawk said...

Any idea what the second gun is? It looks like something out of Appleseed.

Sig guns ftw.

Anonymous said...

The middle gun is from an anime called "Ghost in the Shell", if I'm not mistaken.

Anonymous said...

I dont care where its from but where can I find one

Ishatawk said...

Hahaha amen to that. Fixed incomes ftl.

Ghost in The Shell owns. If you like it, I recommend Appleseed. It's CGI Anime. Deus Ex Machina, the newest one, kicks ASS.
Anyhoo...What platform do you think you'd mod to get that look? I can't see too well, but the fire selector looks like an AR-15/M16-style selector.

StickyMonk said...

Just think how many rounds you could fit in that Kriss.... ;)

Embryonicboy said...

I would love the KRISS too. Nice looking if a little weird 45 cal beast..

StickyMonk said...

But you wouldn't get one would you as you UMP would be out of a job.... ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the SIG 556 its very cool looking :D

Anonymous said...

they look very nice but they wouldnt stand up to hard use. the top weapon looks like a cross between a g36c and an mp5k, and has a fixed plastic stock! whats the point? the sig looks ok tho.

Anonymous said...

nice. i just want to know who's makin the Kriss and 556, and where to get them.

Anonymous said...

I just realized it says future weapson and not weapons

FoxtrotTango1 said...

Madbull are in the process of making the KRISS and Jing Gong are said to be making the Seburo Type 06 IkaZuchi (like the m4/m16 with a posiden kit) but it will be made as a complete item. and also Jing Gong may be making the SIG556. only time will tell...

Anonymous said...

so i was half right about the posidin kit?

FoxtrotTango1 said...

Yes - it's based on the Kit and I think the Moulds are the same as the actual ones - I have put a video review of the Jing Gong "THUNDER MAUL" as they are calling it on Youtube should anyone want to see .

Anonymous said...

are you getting the conversion kit for the 556? GWS makes one.

Anonymous said...

Just me or is the top one an MP7?

Anonymous said...

umm no thats a TDI Kriss