Monday, 3 March 2008

Stubby Killer ready to Rock and Roll again

Took time on Sunday to fix the problem with my stubby killer

The problem was all of my own making - I had replaced the original silencer for one that was a little longer, I did this as I want to fit a MAD BULL SHORT m203 onto it and I did not want the M203 extending past the end of the silencer,

But when I put on the longer silencer I did not extend the length of the inner barrel - this was now a good 4 Inches short of the end of the silencer.

I have now replaced the original inner barrel with an m4 Systema tight bore and used a hacksaw to chop it down so that the inner barrel now comes right to the tip of the silencer.

Gave it a little spray with matt black paint and the Stubby Killer is ready to strike fear into the enemy once again...


Anonymous said...

surely if you run the barrel to the end of the silencer, you might as well not have a silencer at all.

Anonymous said...


awsome site you have here!

How long is the inner barrel in the stubby killer?

what kind of range do you get with it?