Saturday, 29 March 2008

Future Weapson - Preview

Thought I would let eveyone have a sneek peek at three of the AEG's I hope to get my hands on this year:

Monday, 24 March 2008

Crappy Easter !!!!

I had a really bad Easter - First Just before the holidays - five panels and four posts to my garden fence got blown down in the Wind

so I have had to get all new ones, (not fitted yet) On top of that it rained, and then we had SNOW, and then more rain and wind.....

On Bank Holiday Friday my Wife went down with the FLU... so I have spent the past four days looking after her.

On Easter Sunday - I started feeling the Flu coming on myself - and today Bank Holiday Monday - we both have the Flu.

So bottom line is - I feel sick , Did not get the garden fence put back up , and I have not done any airsoft videos ..

What a complete waste of a 4 day Bank Holiday.


Friday, 21 March 2008

Today I got a new Software package to edit the videos , up to now I have been using Windows Movie Maker , The new package is called "Pinnacle Studio Plus Version 11" .

I will have to play around with it for a little while and see what I can do with it.

This period of learning will not stop me do the reviews as I will continue to use WMM - until such time as I am happy working with Pinnacle Studio Plus.

Type 97 Battery configuration

Just in case anyone is wondering what type of battery Configuration that is needed here is a picture - Strange or what !!! and it's also fitted into the body and grip of the Type 97 - so you charge it in place.

Real Sword Type 97

Well at long last if finally arrived – out of all the AEG’s I have purchased this one took the longest to get to me – it took TMC at least three weeks to post it (turns out they had to get it from a company called Airsoft global, as TMC were out of stock.

Then another week to get to the UK, a week in customs and then another week with the Import Agent...

I am afraid I was sending and leaving some very angry message to both TMC and the Import Agent –

Although I must give credit for TMC – they went out of their way to try and sort the problems out for me.

the UK Agent went away for a week on the day I paid them for delivery by DHL – so that caused a lot of agro –I was sending emails and leaving messages with the UK agent every day and the agent was not getting back to me (now I know why but at them time – I thought I was in a scam of some sort) – I even got to the point of asking for my money back from TMC and contacting my solicitor about the UK agent.

But within a few days of the UK agent getting back – my packaged arrived

I’ve made a short video of the TYPE-97 being unpacked.

Now all I have to do is to get a special battery configuration built or find a LiPo that is small enough to fit into the pistol grip.

I’ll let you know how I get one next week.


Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Urban Assault March 15th 2008


I did not get to Urban Assault on the 15th (as I was having my Portrait taken by A Graduate Photographer from Portsmouth University for an exhibition in london during June, but I was sent this repot of the day by "peterboroughmike" and have posted it here for all to read.

OK over to you "Peterboroughmike"


Anyway as for the report back about this Saturday game ( 15th ); Firstly looking at the weather reports on Thursday, and there weatherman telling us we should expect cloud, no sunshine and rain, my confidence wasnt souring when i thought how it would be, i am overly cautious about using my gun in the rain, at the stage it is at now, i dont want to get it wet and ruin the internals or what have you, so i was a bit down struck by the report.

Me and my mates arrived at around 8:15, and the weather was looking good, low winds, relatively clear skies, no rain!! Fantastic i thought, todays not going to be to bad after all.

With the weather reports as they were mid week, i think it threw alot of people off the idea of playing, because it wasnt a great turn out really, probably 100 tops, apparently the numbers were almost half on the day as what was expected.

The day didn't turn out too bad, although the blue team were getting royally spanked on pretty much every game played, all bar the 2 towards the end, and the last game was strange and i am not sure how it worked.30% of the total players took arm bands off and played the attackers, and red and blue combined as one, the attackers would kill the red/blue players at which stage the dead man would remove his bands and join the attacking team, basically untill its last man standing, the last man standings colour team wins, as far as i know.

its nice to see they are trying new game types, and i think people that stayed enjoyed it, we lost alot of players including myself on the last game when it had started to rain, so over all i couldn't really tell you much on it, It might be that people were leaving because they didnt like the idea of it, how it was played, or because of the rain, but hopefully it will be tried again and you (FT)can get a good view on it yourself .


Thanks for the Update

Sunday, 9 March 2008

FPS Test for the BFG

HI - Just a quick update to let everyone know that I have completed the first chrono tests for the BFG and I'm very happy with the results

FPS is most of the time between 322-325 with the odd peek (one or two) at 340-345.

Rounds per minute is steady at 750.

This gives it a Joule rate of about 0.96

all this using 0.2g 6mm bb's

Limit set at UA is 328fps with 0.2g 6mm bb's = 1Joule

so it's almost spot on.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Next review and new poll

OK - so I've done the Jing Gong - SIG552 review and I will have finished the Closeup look for the SIG552 this week - so then I move onto do the VFC SCAR - as that was the winner of the review poll last month.

Hummmm... that means we now have a new poll to see which item is next in line after the VFC Scar - you will see that the new poll is a mix between Rifle and Pistol - so you vote and let me know what I will be doing a review on after the VFC SCAR.


Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Inert Ammo - going Cheap !!!

I thought I should share this with you all - it's a link to a site that I get my Inert Ammo from, it's worth a visit , but in order to see the prices, you do need to set yourself up with an account ( it's free) -

Monday, 3 March 2008

Stubby Killer ready to Rock and Roll again

Took time on Sunday to fix the problem with my stubby killer

The problem was all of my own making - I had replaced the original silencer for one that was a little longer, I did this as I want to fit a MAD BULL SHORT m203 onto it and I did not want the M203 extending past the end of the silencer,

But when I put on the longer silencer I did not extend the length of the inner barrel - this was now a good 4 Inches short of the end of the silencer.

I have now replaced the original inner barrel with an m4 Systema tight bore and used a hacksaw to chop it down so that the inner barrel now comes right to the tip of the silencer.

Gave it a little spray with matt black paint and the Stubby Killer is ready to strike fear into the enemy once again...

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Real Sword Type97 Update

Quick note - it's in the UK and has cleared Customs - just waiting for the shipping agent to get it to me - should be within the next 5 working days .

Urban Assault 1st March - Part 2

During skirmish No.3

I noticed a little bit of Black shoot out from the end of my Stubby Killer along with the BB’s – my first thoughts were – oh that’s only the remains of my Black bb’s

It got a little worse as the game went on – and the a BB shot out of the Silencer the BB was split in two part went left and part went right – followed by about 6 or 7 other bb’s that all just fell to the floor...

Now that did get my attention – So I decided to take the silencer off and see what was going on – it turned out that little bit of black was not a bb at all it as a bit of the internal foam being hit by a stray BB that pushed it out but due to this some other BB’s started to hit the foam and the odd one would get trapped then another would hit it – split it and push it out - ..

Well I decided to call it a day with the Stubby Killer – when I got home I took all apart and found what was left of the foam. (See picture) - Double click the picture to get a better look.

Thats all I have time for now - next session I have at UA I will not play - I will take my video camera and get video from a Spectaters view point.


Urban Assault 1st March - Part 1

Another Great day at Urban Assault in Cambridgeshire East of was a little bit windy and the sun was sun shine glories.

I collected my repaired VFC SCAR – turned out to be screws that hold the trigger plate together were too tight and so when the trigger was pulled the pinched it in place and the return spring was not strong enough to push the trigger forward again so it locked half in and half out.

I also collected the G&P Stubby killer – that was a down grade (now its FPS is 315-320) just right for UA. – Nick the Wizard who does all my internal work – told me he just had to cut the spring down a little – Job done.

Did not take the gun cam today but did take my still camera – only to find out that my son had been using it and the batteries were totally flat – but I did manage to get a snap shot of this bunch of lads – they came from all over the place in the UK - they skirmish as a team called "SETAS" – I did not ask what it stands for. (see Picture)

At lunch we all had a great chat , Fixed a ACOG red dot scope, and diagnosed a P90 failure to fire, they all took a look at the CA Scar and VFC Scar I had with me, It was nice to meet you all lads.

On a more comical note – my mate, who has not done airsoft for about a year came along and I had helped prepare all his kit – we kitted up – and went to the mandatory briefing, and then on to the Chrono , so he steps up to the plate , pulls the trigger (on his TM M4-S System) and NOTHING happens its dead – he swings his backup weapon up to get it chrono’d (G3-SAS) pulls the trigger and NOTHING its dead .

Turns out that he thought I had put the batteries into his guns – but I always put them in at the site on the day – and I did mine thinking he would do his – but he just picked up the weapons and that was that – I put it down to the year he had away from airsoft .. The whole incident did make me smile thought..